Benedictines in the Heart of the Church

Welcome- Benedicite!
Welcome to our website. We are a Religious Community of men and women, Consecrated Religious Brothers and Oblates, lay and ordained. We seek to provide a way of living the Benedictine life grounded in the ancient practice and spirituality of the Rule of St. Benedict. We utilize the ministries and gifts of both celibate Brothers, and single or married men and women Oblates to serve the needs of the Church and God's people. We work as partners in Community with a particular emphasis on Parish Ministries of Pastoral Care and Christian Education.
Brothers profess the traditional Benedictine vows of stability, conversion of life and obedience, and Oblates make a solemn promise to live in the spirit of the same vows according to their state in life. All members live in their own homes and support themselves and the community. Each member is active in their own parish and pledges their time and monetary support.
We are the first Community of this kind to be founded in the American South (May 2001) and we seek to gather in and provide a home for those who feel a call to the Religious Life as lived by our Communmity, be it Consecrated Brother or Oblate, who would walk with us and help us minister in parishes through servant ministry, teaching and presence.
Br. Vincent Ignatius, OSB, Superior and Founder