Benedictines in the Heart of the Church

Consecrated Brothers
Consecrated Brothers are dedicated to the Community and the Church through canonical Solemn Vows. They stand at the center of the Community and offer their whole selves to Christ through monastic celibacy, and are bound to the daily recitation of the Divine Office as their never-ending offering of prayer and praise for the whole world. The Brothers profess the traditional Benedictine vows of Obedience, Stability, and Conversion of Life.

Basic requirements for candidacy:
Be at least 21 years of age, single and a confirmed lay or ordained member in good standing of The Episcopal Church.
Provide written proof of praish affiliation, church membership and confirmation.
Submit a completed application, including character endorsememts from the candidate's own parish priest or spiritual director.
Have a personal interview with the Brother Superior.
Submit to a background check if requested.
Once a candidate's application is accepted, he begins a five and a half year process of discernment and formation, and makes arrangements to attend the next Community retreat where he will be formally received as a Postulant.
Postulancy lasts approximately 6 months to one year and offers the Postulant time to begin practicing the discipline of the Divine Office, study the ways of Religious Life, study and try his vocation under the guidance of the Community. With successful completion of the Postulancy and the approval of the Brother Superior, the postulant enters the Novitiate. He is clothed in the habit, given his name in Religion and begins a program of structured study lasting two years in which he will live in the spirit of the vows.
At the completion of the Noviate, with the approval and invitation of the Brother Superior, the novice professes temporary vows for three years making him a Junior Professed member of the Community and Chapter (Chapter is the voting body of the Community consisting of all Junior and Life Professed Brothers, and Finally professed Oblates). The vows are renewed annualy. Following the renewal of temporary Vows for a minumum of three consecutive years, the Brother then makes Solemn Life Profession in the midst of a solemn Mass at a Community retreat at the invitation of the Superior and his Council. The vows can only be rescinded by the Superior and his Council, which consists of appointed and elected Brothers and Oblates.